5 Pounds of Fat

5 Pounds of Fat One pound of fat is equivalent to about 35 bananas, 35 tablespoons of Nutella, 29 glasses of white wine, or 2.6 Big Mac trios (large). They don’t all contain a pound of fat, they only represent the caloric value of a pound of fat!
I know what you’re thinking: you’d never eat 35 bananas at a time or 35 tablespoons of Nutella (unless you’re having a hard day!). The point is not to shock you. It’s just a way to help you visualize what a pound of fat is and show you that the little things end up adding up. Twenty-nine glasses of wine in a month is quite normal for a lot of people. Imagine if you cut it all in half. After a year, you would have lost 6 pounds of fat (unless you replace those calories with another source).
Let’s say you want to lose 5 pounds of fat, which equals 17,500 calories. It’s good. Want to lose them in three months? Okay. That means 5833 calories per month or 1423 calories per week and about 203 calories per day. You follow? If you decrease your intake by 203 calories per day, you will lose your 5 pounds of fat. Simple, isn’t it?
Easy to understand, but not that easy to accomplish. My advice is to see the target loss on a weekly basis rather than daily because you will have good days and bad days. Don’t stress about it, go one week at a time!
Also to read: What is intermittent fasting?
Source: Rob Allen , Physical Education graduate from Concordia University with a specialization in athlete therapy. Also CrossFit L1 certified, TRX and FMS (Functional Movement System) trainer. Along with the importance of nutrition, he also holds a Nutrition Coach Certificate from Precision Nutrition.
1 pound of muscle versus 1 pound of fat

I often hear that a pound of muscle is heavier than a pound of fat. What do you think? To answer as simply as possible: a pound is a pound so 5 Pounds of Fat is ?! It’s like the riddle that questions what is heavier between a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers? Same reasoning, a ton is a ton.
People claim that muscle weighs more than fat to justify the weight that does not fluctuate on the scale. To better understand everything, here are some explanations.
The scale, commonly called the “scale”, gives us a figure corresponding to the total weight of our body, which includes the sum of the weight of bones, organs, muscles, water, fat. , hair, nails, etc.
When you are in the process of losing weight and you combine physical activity and healthy eating to achieve it, the number on the scale does not differentiate what is “fat” from the rest of the other parts of the body .
So, it may very well be that a person does not see any change in the number on the scale, but their body composition has changed. That is, she has a little less fat, but a little more muscle and water.
Let me explain: for example, a person may have lost 4 pounds of fat, but gained 4 pounds of muscle and water. So “minus 4 pounds” “plus 4 pounds” on the scale, the number is the same. And yet there was a loss of fat. Morale can suffer!
We have, at Nautilus Plus, a body evaluation device by bio-impedance (In-Body) which allows us to know the exact fluctuation from one weighing to another in terms of the amount of fat, water, muscles, etc. in the body. This is called the assessment of body composition by impedance .
The other very important thing to know is that the volume taken by a pound of fat versus a pound of muscle or 5 Pounds of Fat versus 5 pound of muscle is different . Muscle takes up half the space of fat. Yes, half as much! “Carrying” 5 pounds more fat on your body is going to look a lot bigger and softer than carrying 5 pounds more muscle. In other words, a woman weighing 150 pounds with 19% fat will look slimmer than a woman of the same weight with 35% fat.
Moreover, for the same weight, the circumferences of the waist and the hips, for example, will be less on a muscular person than on a fat person. Despite the same weight, the muscular person will appear thinner and slender than the fat person.
So, if you want to lose FAT, stop relying solely on the number on the scale and have your body composition assessed with the In-body device. By doing this, you will notice that your motivation level will be higher!