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Weight Loss Bowel Movements



Weight Loss Bowel Movements A significant issue with IBD is malnutrition, or inadequate nutrition. The primary reason for persistent weight reduction is this. About 65-75% of persons with Crohn’s disease and 18-62% of people with ulcerative colitis suffer from malnutrition. IBD patients frequently have low body weight, dietary inadequacies, and changes in their muscle mass, bone mineral density, which increases their risk of fractures. They frequently experience weakness, a lack of energy, and general exhaustion. Malnutrition hinders the body’s capacity to heal from sickness. Anemia, a low number of red blood cells, can result from malnutrition and cause tiredness and other issues.


Malnutrition is mostly brought on by inflammation, inadequate food intake, medicines, and malabsorption (poor nutrient absorption in the small intestine). For instance, your small intestine could struggle to absorb nutrients. It’s possible that your large intestine will have trouble absorbing electrolytes and water. The most frequent micronutrient deficits in IBD are those related to iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, and magnesium. All vitamins can be deficient, but B12, folic acid, and vitamins A, D, and K are particularly common. Malnutrition can result from IBD symptoms such diarrhea, stomach discomfort, nausea, and rectal bleeding:
  • When the body does not receive enough fluids, nutrients, and electrolytes due to diarrhea, dehydration can result. Losing weight might also result from diarrhea.
  • Your risk of malnutrition increases if you lower your food intake to offset frequent toilet visits. Frequent bowel movements might cause this.
  • It might be challenging to consume adequate calories and nutrients when you lack appetite or consume less food owing to sickness, gastrointestinal discomfort, or other factors.
  • Anemia and iron shortage can result from rectal bleeding.
Weight Loss Bowel Movements Common reasons for malnutrition include:
  • Reduced food intake: as a result of sickness, discomfort in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, hospitalization, or chronic restriction.
  • inflammation-related increased energy consumption
  • loss of nutrients as a result of diarrhea or ulcers.
  • Malabsorption (low nutrition absorption)
  • drugs like cholestyramine or glucocorticoids.

AVOID MALNUTRITION In order to counteract malnutrition:

  • Check for vitamin and mineral shortages so you can use supplements to treat the issue. Blood tests may be requested by your doctor to check for any deficits.
  • Avoid meals that aggravate your symptoms because doing so may cause you to undereat. You may find your trigger foods by keeping track of the food and liquids you consume.
  • To create a diet that is ideal for you, speak with your dietician. Ask your IBD expert for a recommendation if you don’t already have a nutritionist.

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