How To Lose Weight While in School

How To Lose Weight While in School (for girls)
It can be very difficult to lose weight, but it is even more difficult during school. However, you can stop yourself from snacking all day long by thinking of your school year as a way to stay busy. You can achieve your goal by using our tips and advice, which may even give you extra energy to study better.

- You should set yourself a specific, achievable, and sane goal – no need to strive for perfection. [1]In other words, just wanting to “lose weight” is not a good goal because it is too fuzzy. Wanting to lose “ten pounds in two weeks” is not a good goal either because it is not achievable and doing “three hours of sport a day” is not better because it is ruthless. You should set a goal of having regular physical activity for at least half an hour a day with the goal of losing one pound per week. This gives you a little leeway so as not to crack too quickly.
Choose the diet that’s right for you. In reality, a starvation diet is not effective for anyone. It’s hard to admit but do it for a week but you could end up collapsing, having binge eating and swallowing everything you have on hand. Would it be easier on a low carb diet? Could you eat fewer desserts? Or choose a vegetarian diet?
- Science now recognizes that it is not enough to eat properly and exercise to lose weight. It all depends on the structure of the organism and its capacity for assimilation. Two people can follow the same diet and not have identical results. [2] So you shouldn’t be basing yourself on someone else’s diet criteria, but instead focus on what might work for you.
Set up a program. When you know how much you want to lose, the second step is knowing how to lose weight. Are you going to monopolize your diet? Which ? And what about physical activity? Create a basic program that details both your physical activity and your diet.
- An example of detailed physical activity could be: “Monday: 30 minutes of endurance, 10 minutes of stretching, 20 minutes of weight training. Tuesday: 20 minutes of light endurance and half an hour of walking. Wednesday: rest. Thursday : 30 minutes of walking and 30 minutes of light weight training. Friday: 20 minutes of stretching or yoga, 30 minutes of endurance “. Remember that activities like dancing or swimming count too.
Find yourself a sports girlfriend. It’s much easier when you do it with a friend. This will not only keep you in a good mood, but we can also motivate you. When your friend is eating a salad, chicken, and fruit and then planning to go for a walk, you’ll be less tempted to gobble up pizza and take a nap later. More so, you are going to feel close to someone who, like you, wants to lose weight.
- These days everyone is more or less on a diet. Just ask your classmates if they want to lose weight with you, and you’ll see a lot of hands go up. It goes without saying that you are not alone in your fight.
Find a way to assess your progress. Technology is great when it comes to monitoring weight loss. You can use an app on your phone to motivate yourself. You will want to continue when you see how far you have come.
- Try to weigh yourself once or twice a week, but don’t obsess over it. It can get you down and encourage you to give up.
Step 2 : Change your eating habits
Drink water. This should be your main goal. Always drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This will detoxify your body and leave you with pristine skin. What’s more, water can reduce your appetite and make you feel full faster.
- Always stay well hydrated (and therefore less hungry!) With water and take five to ten minute breaks between your physical exercises so as not to exhaust yourself and prevent possible vomiting if you go too hard.
- Ditch the sugary drinks that raise your blood sugar and contain only empty calories. This includes all juices, sodas and other cappuccinos. You might think that aspartame drinks can’t hurt you, but you’ll notice that you’ll lose better if you don’t drink it and replace it with water.
Take some lunch. School canteens have to feed hundreds of people with cheap food. They are not going to help you lose weight. Pack your own lunch so you don’t have to eat what you are forced to eat at school. Here’s what you should pack:
- Enough vegetables
- Some carbs like a slice or two of wholemeal bread
- A fruit like an apple or a grape
- A source of protein such as chicken, eggs, mashed almonds or tofu
Eliminate industrial foods. You should eliminate fast food and industrial meals completely if you want to lose weight at a steady pace that can motivate you. Anything that is packaged shouldn’t be part of your weight loss program. Raw and fresh foods will make you lose weight. Nutrients have been removed from processed foods, and they’re loaded with salt, sugar and fat your body doesn’t need. In fact, these industrial foods are made up of ingredients that your body cannot even recognize, and therefore assimilate. [3] It’s all foreign junk that isn’t good for you.
- Replace your urge to throw yourself on crisps or cupcakes with a handful of dried fruit for something to nibble on. It is often an oral urge that has nothing to do with feeling hungry or having an actual urge to eat.
Have some breakfast. Think twice if you believe that skipping meals is enough to achieve a dream figure. Your body will feel hungry and pump out the nutrients it needs, not the fat. When you start to eat again you will eventually gain weight because your body will store everything you give it for fear of enduring another episode of famine.You’re going to end up with much more fat than before.By eating a nutritious meal, you keep your metabolism up during the day, which also gives you the energy you need for school to make healthier food choices and to exercise regularly.
- Does that sound incredible to you? That’s one reason yo-yo diets don’t work. When you have starved your body, it learns to adapt to the situation. When you eat normally, it will stay in starvation mode for fear the worst will happen again. [4] You’re only ruining your future by cutting down on your diet too drastically.
TIPS to LOSE WEIGHT During The School YEAR !!
Master the art of controlling your portions. Make sure you also watch how much you eat, to avoid all-you-can-eat buffet- style habits . Here are some tips to make it easier for you to eat less:
- Try to use smaller plates to give your food more volume. Science has also found that blue plates are better if you want to eat less. [5]
- Eat slowly and enjoy your food. Try to chew each bite for 5 seconds, swallow then wait three seconds and take a sip of water. It’s not rocket science.
- Try to eat protein with every meal. The piece of chicken or beef should be the size of a deck of cards. Eating protein more often will keep you fuller for longer, which will prevent you from throwing yourself on something you shouldn’t eat.
Eat something that makes you happy every now and then. On the days when you get enough more than enough of your diet, you can eat something to cheer you up. A little dark chocolate, a very sweet fruit, a few pretzels or even a glass of red wine. Putting aside everything you love is a good way to run into disaster. You have to keep a little fun to help you continue.
- Many people swear by intermittent calorie restrictions. This is about eating a lot on some days and very little on another day to confuse your body. Others choose a day of the week when they eat whatever they want and follow a fairly strict diet the rest of the week. This ends up motivating them longer. So it’s not really cheating, but sometimes it’s a good idea.
Eat five small meals more often rather than three larger meals. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But research says that eating smaller amounts more often stabilizes your metabolism and keeps you from snacking. So you should have breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, and dinner. All in small portions, of course.
- It’s about eating more often, not eating more. Your meals should be smaller if you want to try the eating more often diet, otherwise you will feel like you are on a diet when you are not at all.
Step 3 : Change your habits
Find space in your schedule to eat well and exercise regularly. You must always find the time to have physical activity in your school schedule. You probably won’t find time if you’ve decided you’re too busy elsewhere. It’s about making physical activity a priority over your other activities. This is important, even if it is only a short half hour a day.
- You should also find time to eat well, in addition to physical activity. It means finding time to shop, cook your own lunch, and cook on your own. Restaurants have the biggest blame when it comes to building a serious eating plan. In addition, your budget will be better if you prepare everything yourself.
Pick an extracurricular activity. When you are in school, you find it hard to realize that it is the best time of your life to have all kinds of activities. When you are an adult and you move in the world of work, there will be no one to suggest activities or distribute flyers about an infinite number of things. So you should take advantage of these advantages. Sign up for any sport or leisure activity, even if you are not very good at it. This will be a great opportunity to work out that you won’t be able to let go of easily.
- Not everyone can manage a team sport in a school setting. There would be an interesting alternative, the fanfare. Don’t laugh, because it’s not really easy to walk and simultaneously play a musical instrument for hours on end in the heat of a summer day. Don’t worry, your lungs will take it just fine. It could suit you if you have the musical flair.
Don’t be exempt from sports lessons. Physical education in middle and high school tends to become an optional subject. Resist the temptation to be dispensed! Where else do you find the time to spend in the middle of the day with your classmates running and playing ball? Nowhere. In addition, you make a profit, so you win on all counts.
- Did we mention it’s great for the brain too? So see the gym class as a break in your school schedule, because you can’t take more than one class at a time. You deserve this break, between your classes, your extracurricular activities and maybe also a small job.
Sleep well. Aim to go to bed at set times, even on weekends, to keep your body energetic and ready to function properly throughout the day. Sleep regulates our hormonal secretions and regulates our appetite. [6] In addition, you will have healthy and glowing skin. Aim to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
- Plus, you still burn calories while you sleep. You don’t eat while you sleep, so you can’t take a wrong step.
Limit your television consumption. Why ? For starters, it leaves you sitting on your butt doing nothing. But the worst part is that the television encourages us to eat without thinking, even when we are not hungry. The need to eat will be less present if you do not watch TV. Teens are often overweight because they eat to clear their minds.[7]
- Treat yourself to a healthy, healthy snack if you’re hungry and want to watch your favorite show on TV. Put the amount of food you are entitled to in a bowl and don’t overdo it. Get up and go for a walk when your show is over, or do something else so you don’t think about eating.
- Don’t expect to get there overnight, you will experience some gaps and you will also cheat from time to time.
- Do not fall into extremes, such as anorexia, bulimia, taking weight loss tablets or others.
- You don’t have to look like these girls in magazines. Most of these photos are faked.
- Buy clothes after you lose weight, otherwise you might get depressed just looking at them.
- Remember that some lipids can do you good. The most common mistake is to believe that it’s fat that makes you gain weight. Healthy lipids like olive oil are necessary for your body.
- Tell your friends that you want to lose weight so they don’t offer you foods that you can’t eat. Don’t force them to follow your diet. It’s your choice and it’s up to you.
- Don’t obsess over losing weight. It can seriously compromise your health and have terrible effects on your body.